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Viewpoint Brief Bible Study #79

JESUS calls US to be
members of His church

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The Christian religion is the worship and service of Jesus Christ. It’s not Mary we worship, but her Son. We worship neither saints, angels, a law code, nor even God’s Spirit. It’s JESUS who is to be honored. The Bible is our guide.

 Who Should We Act Like?  
Concerning a "Social Gospel"  

Ted Kau comments -- From:
[If you, as I do, feel that Christian servants should be reverent but not "Reverend," please try to set aside your prejudice and give ear to a thoughtful appeal to well-rounded practice of the Way of Jesus.]

Date sent: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 02:08:22 -0500 (EST)   To:

Subject: CAC_Mail: WORK and WORD of God

     NOTE from Ray -- The Chinese- (really Asian) American Christian list to whom this note is addressed has recently been discussing what we may think of as "social gospel." This California brother's comments, written for his friends on that list, seem to me so helpful that I'd like my friends also to consider them. To what extent should Christians seek to alleviate social ills in their communities and throughout the world? Surely each of us has pondered the question.

Hi Bill.

>The RELATIONSHIP is what it's all about.


>...what I perceive are the primary ways believers relate to God:
                                         "personally" and thru "the Word".


Is it possible that to have an intimate relationship with God means to have a high degree of both? Do they have to be mutually exclusive? I see this as loving God with all our heart and mind. Believers who stress social action might be understood as loving God with all their strength.

Jesus says that God seeks those who worship Him in both spirit and truth, not one or the other. The human tendency is to focus on one to the detriment of others, but I believe that what pleases God is an intense relating with Him on all fronts.


The unfortunate phenomena that occurs (which is not limited to Chinese or Asian churches) is that churches tend to focus on and do one, two, or maybe three things real well, and they attract people who emphasize or are already strong in those areas. Thus we have "Bible-based" churches and they attract those who want more of the Word (negative aspects: legalism, dryness, hearers/not doers), or we see "Spirit-filled" churches attracting those who want more of the Spirit (negative aspects: subjectivism, experience-seeking), or in fewer cases we see "missions-emphasis" churches that likewise attract impatient doers.


All churches should have some degree of fruitfulness in Winning the lost (evangelism), Exalting the Lord (worship--NOTE from Ray, please see my comment below), Fellowshipping with family (koinonia), Instructing to maturity (discipleship), and Tending to Needs (missions), courtesy the Greatest Command and the Great Commission [cf. Rick Warren, "The Purpose Driven Church"].

Because of this, we have churches or even denominations that become more and more differentiated, instead of more and more one (John 17) and more and more loving. Ahh, but I'm probably preaching to the choir. As you said, Bill, 'nuff said. Hope you and all of CAC's readership are well.

Spending too much time on this digest and not enough in prayer, Ted

Rev. Ted Kau. Harvest San Gabriel Valley

Each of us is either a missionary or a mission field. --Anonymous

pretty line   "Worship" of God is BEST expressed by living as Jesus did rather than by sitting in comfortable pews engaging in noisy "praise" directed to God and others, and occasionally "applauding God, and others." Christians are called to serve God in the world, to be salt and light in their communities. To encourage one another, we take some time out to enjoy one another's company. But our real "worship" of God is in the deeds we do for others. To have "worship leaders" for our congregational meetings nowadays is based on an inadequate and incorrect understanding of New Testament Christianity. We are still urged to present our bodies as sacrifices, not in "worship services," but in daily service, which is our "reasonable" worship (see Romans 12:1,2).

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pretty line  Brief Bible Study #79 from Ray Downen. To go back to Viewpoint's first page, click < here.   Or go on to Viewpoint Study #80.
                      For Ray's concluding remarks, click HERE.